Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Attempt to Repel Compliments

Not working, sigh.
Its too much a flutter I might say to receive a compliment.
But damn my nose will flare whenever I receive a compliment.
For me, a compliment is like a decease, I don't wanna die because I feel I'm too good.
Worse, if I die thinking I was good but I was never.
Ah, people thought compliments are great, wow, sheesh, but I see it as a total drag.
I like to feel "Why?" when people compliment me, so it doesn' t get to my head.
I might be the embarrassed whore for flaring my nose too big.
Sigh, I need to repel, REPEL!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

To respect his memorial, we should debut his humanitarian.
End said.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cinta bukan Lokasi

Its been so long since the long long... and I have decided to marry this one guy...


Lesung pipit mu sgt menawan!!!