I've never dreamed at all that I would meet Fossil. Usually, I went by Fossil without even a glance.
I ran into Alpha Angle and decided a person who screamed annoyingly "Murah kak murah beli beli!" shut off my feeling on even buying a small stiffin
g shoe. I mean this is not the night market so don't make it sound like one. I don't know why the mak cik's even bothered to see whats there. If it were mama I would certainly hear "Tak mau lah, semua orang dah beli, tak kan nak sama ramai-ramai. Nanti orang tau beli dekat mana, harga berapa. Tak sedap lah." Love my mum for her enclosure towards this because true, I have seen 20 person on the Cashier buying the same frigging bag and you don't really want to have the same frigging bag as those 20 people. If you do, then you need to imply a serious ego boost.
Going out of Alpha Angle, empty handed but a McFlurry Oreo. Oh just so lovely! Sarcastically but McFlurry Oreo IS good.
I wasn't satisfied. I haven't met THE ONE. So I said to
my sister, "Ain, hantar pergi Wangsa Maju station LRT, nak pergi KLCC. Sorang." Yes, alone I went to the Shopping Lobby of the Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur. I walk and walk and see I see, windows by windows. House of Leather was the first store I've entered. Cute guy, cute stuffs, but not THE ONE. It was pretty but you know when there were pretty things you just go 'Meh'.
I went out and saw a store named Fossil, and remembered how mama wanted a bag from the store. I was curious, pretty meh or pretty wow? And there I see it. A Camel colored Kenya Clutch, sitting there smiling as heaven throned my snugglish heart. Oh my oh my! I checked on the price, frigging RM 239! In my mind, "Matilah aku kalau beli ni!" The shop assistant gave me a good news, "This one we have promotion for 30%. And the promotion starts today until the end of August." Was I lucky or was I lucky?! But then, I have shoes to take care of. Darn it! I left Fossil, feeling sad. But then heads up high, I will find T
HE ONE, even if it feels I have left it at Fossil.
I went to Everlast, oh my my, cute shoes. And somehow, it pulled me to buy those simple shoes. Because it was incredibly comfy! Chaching, goes my money. Okay, now what? Okay, I went to Kinokuniya. Wanted to find 'Water for Elephants from Sara Gruen'. Last month, it was sold out, and it was again, luckily, a new arrival. Yay! Chaching no 2, book!
But I still can't get off my mind on Fossil. The clutches at Isetan, Guess, Parkson, Harrods, British India, House of Leather, Roxy just doesn't sum up to the precious Camel Clutch in Fossil. I started counting and counting and WHAT THE HELL, I'M BUYING THAT BEAUTY!
Maybank, I went. Money out money in. Done. And there I was back at Fossil. "I want this," I said to the shop assistant. "After discount will be RM 167," took it obviously and I went out of Fossil a happy girl.
And thats the story on how I met Fossil. Below is the pic of the precious camel Clutch, THE ONE. :)

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