Okay, what the hell am I ranting about. Here's the deal, boy A said he likes me. Hell he even stalked me to my house! Damn it, I shouldn't write my phone number! He scares me a lot. But then, again and again, he finally gave up. Suddenly, boy B started calling me, confessing that he likes me since a long time ago. I said, No, not interested. He calls day and night. Like fuck shut it!
So when I was having this same subject of conversation with Natalia, I remembered Boy A and Boy B were friends. And how could it be coincidence that after Boy A gives up, Boy B shows up. So it came up with pretty nasty set up that those 2 boys are just playing 'Who gets the girl'. A friend told me once this had happen. Where they pick a girl, and bet who'll get the girl.
Fuck! Stupid bozos, nudging me with annoyance! Thank God my senses told me that this guys aren't of my interest that I allow myself to strictly say No. If not, I'm just apart of some huge bitchy game!
Boys, Grow up!
eh sometimes they're not playing games laa...awak je fikir bukan2. the term "bro's before ho's" sometimes means, ok my friend suka this girl, xpelaa bagi dia chance dulu. so dia back off. so, bros b4 hos la. xdelaa nak berebut dgn member sendiri. and when his friend xdapat the girl or the girl x layan ke...then only dia masuk line.
haha, i don't meant all dudes... i meant the two annoying flies tu je... the term bro's before ho's differs by person... in this post, its a guy's game because diorg confess dah audi...
u mean... confess that they played you?
halaa boringnye comment kena approve dulu. boo.
haha Audi xlehh blah. hee :)
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