Based on The Pearl, a literary by John Steinbeck (author of East of Eden, James Dean.. Gosh) and the lowly obedient Juana. Seriously, you'll say you'll never be Juana at all cost. You'll say its not good if a guy hurts a girl by one bit but on the other bit, you're still a puppy dog lingering by his side. Now, Juana is very obedient, even if during the time when Kino hits her for the mighty pearl, she didn't rush for a fight. Some say its because she knows her husband and he'll hurt her more bad if she did fought back. True true, but how many here knew in deep of the guy they love like Juana knew her husband? A severe 1 year of knowing the guy does not consider knowing. Juana had been married to Kino for a long time and she knew who her husband was, she sees the good side of him for a very long time, a measured husband to her, a loyal father to Coyotito. Now what do you know of the guy you love apart of whats his name, what is his likes and dislikes, where does he live and his Spacebook password? That is not knowing the person. Knowing a person means you see the good in him, not because he helped you in things, but you see it grow from the bottom of his heart. Loving a person means (one of a thousand meanings that is) feel grateful that he is for you and only you. I know, to love a person is to look pass his flaws, but what if those flaws make you bleed? Is it nessesary to live by the rule of unconditional love? Apparently, you are not qualified for it or any love story of all sort of matter. Juana lived by the rule of uncoditional love because she knew the husband, she cares for the husband, she knew what the pearl had made him and she knew who her husband of many years is. So shame on you if you say Juana is stupid to let Kino hit her, as for I, I thought Juana was right to be quiet, because she still see the good in Kino and if bleeding was nessesary to bring the old Kino back, then she wil, which she does. Its harder to find the eyes like Juana and by all means, girls left out the love for the lust. Now, lust is subjective, so lust does not always mean sex. Lust could have been pondering on the same jerk, lust could have you gravel for his money, lust is subjective. So if you are in Juana;s position that knew and love your husband dearly, you'll be obliged to make him your God (not literally, god is Allah). And if you are with a god, you've clearly took all the 7 heavens in hand.
haa juana kena pukul ke? dh abes baca eh? heeee
blom... miss fiza bg sipnosis habis... lol!
haha. last last coyotito mati kena tembak!
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