Friday, February 6, 2009


Today was fun! We talked about hands! Yesterday was about grabbing but that was yesterday so babai yesterday, don't wanna talk about you. ANYWAY, hands. If guys *ehem* matters to us in size, than our hands matters to them in size. Why? Wait until you get married (or for those of you yg dah menggaru dinding, when you have been with a guy, literally) you'll see why guys don't really like girls hands to be small. LOL!

Mood: Kah kah! Mai paling pandai! Paham paling cepat! X payah explanation!


Maisarah Madeonus said...

hahaha. tuh aa lil! i yg paling cepat faham. yang lain mcm blur je. hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. tuh aa lil! i yg paling cepat faham. yang lain mcm blur je. hahahahaha!

Syira Zul said...

apahal mai post sampai dua? wehh boleh ah aku x dgr part yg kecik tu. kalau x aku la paling phm. kahkah!