That is my friends in Nazurah's house. I was called by my friend, Syira and reminded me that Naz was making a BBQ in her house (which I totally had forgotten). I was vacuuming the house when she called so I really have no choice but to come a bit later. Though it was good. I arrived to Naz's and quickly confront the food. I was THAT hungry. Of course, there must be music and frankly, Naz has this pleasure for NEGARAKU (Malaysia's National Song). It was like, "Stand up straight, its Negaraku!" Lol! Of course like all vain people do, Naz has a camera and there we go, VAIN.

And then there's these boys, Nabil and Hariz, who never seem to stop taking pictures and making fairy tales out of it. Lol! I have been pampered with exclusive stories from Nabil and very VERY interesting pictures from Hariz. They are like, the pictured storyteller. Lol!

BTW, Naz can play the guitar. She CAN play the guitar. Afifa is AWESOME in guitar!
1 comment:
'Its SYIRA' wt the dot dot dot?
so what its syira? HAHAAA. sumpah
tatau apa motif cmnt i nie haa sbnrnya
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