Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Are you celebrating? I'm not. Because even the year is new all we can have is only 'azam' to be better. Jadi ke? We talk every year to be new, to be fresh, bla bla bla, but nothing re-connect. So my fellow people, stop talking and do some more deeds. Talk is shit! Get your fucking ass up and do some deeds. I'm flaming my ass for you guys to do some good fucking deeds! Or just eat your own shit so you could talk more shit...


Haha, this is me on my good mood..

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Rob Pattinson's new Hair,

I'm in Love! I mean tousled greasy hair or military cut like <--that! He's too gorgeous! My sister said I'm obsessed but I told her, I'm not in love with him. Just loved him. There's a big difference there. Anyway when I read first that he cut his do, I had a shock of nightmare, I mean I literally almost weep (I guess I am kinda obsessed). Though after seeing his new new do, I went melted ice! I mean look at him! We could ACTUALLY see his face now! He's adorable! And now we know, Robert Pattinson is hot not because of his hair. He's hot because he's just so damned goodness Hot! I love love him! Its also surprising this good looking guy could actually act! I mean no offense to Zac Efron and his fans but he could go no where by doing the same basic musical stuff every time! Back to topic, Robert Pattinson's new movie (yikes! thats not back to the topic! ok, back to the person we're talking about!) Parts Per Billion shout out awesomeness! He'll be playing opposing Dennis Hopper, Olivia Thirlby and Rosario Dawson (OMG). He'll be playing Erik Miller, a musician. Sounds hot. Some say he chop his mop because of the role. Aha! The movie is set to film o January. For now, he's back in London, celebrating Christmas with his dear family. Aww. Say hye to your dog Patty! Oh to all you people out there, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I got my present early. That up there is the greatest gift of all!

I'm obsessed. I know. Lol!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Clause, what is it about him that made him the father of Christmas?

Well, I don't really celebrate Christmas but I do have some theories on why Mr Clause is the father of Christmas.
1- You never see strangers give you free things, so if Santa is the father of Christmas he could be somewhat related to you.
2- No one looked good with the beer belly and the beard. Santa definitely pulls that on trendy.
3- He has Rudolf the Deer.
4- Elf are cranky so getting them to work for you must mean you are someone really successful.
5- The fact that he called HO, HO, HO was a quoted as one the most famous quote of all time.
I know, this does not prick a shit out of Christmas or Santa but I'm bored.

By the way, did you ever notice girls that Santa calles you a Ho 3 times every year during Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Laura Marling

I LOVE LAURA! Her songs are amazing!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sculpted Future - Based on Shakespears Romeo and Juliet

Reilly Meade
I blink an eye or two, seeing the flashing light before me. What? I blink again, waving my hands over my eyes. And I see him, my brother, Max.
"What are you doing?" I sat up, looking at Max Meade, my only brother who is 5 years younger than me.
"I'm trying to protect you from Lestat," Max answered, his serious face was hilarious to me. Maybe its because he always smile and seldom think. He acts as a child even fifteen he is.
"Lestat?" oh. Lestat. The character from Anne Rice's book. I should never let him watch the adaptation movie. Tom Cruise nailed it so much that even Max believed the existance of a vampire.
"Lestat is just a fictional character," I was not sure where I was going. I should knew better Max would not bulge in from truth other than his own.
"Lestat is real. I saw him yesterday trying feed off your blood. In case you don't know, vampires drink blood and never leave a drop to waste. And with your blood, I am not sure he'll square a second not to drink," I am impressed. Max has always down his mind on words, but sometimes he speaks as he was an adult, as he was not diagnosed with Down Syndromme. I somehow recognize Max as the adult between us two.
"Well, Lestat likes girls which I am not and I don't know if my blood is sweet enough for Lestat's taste," obviously. Max quirked his head up and his childish self summoned back.
"Your blood is sweet! Thats because Reilly is a nice person! And Lestat is a very bad person! He'll kill whoever that is nice!" I chuckled a laugh. Maybe I am a nice person to Max, but I am no nice person outside our sculpted world. People thought I was a disgrace, people see me as the Bad Meade. I was even expelled from school when I was 15. Ben did everything he could to get me on high school, which I highly scored my A-Levels and surprised everyone, I love their faces of shock. But I dropped out of college after a year, working my butt off to help Ben in his business. That made people thought, "Reilly Meade is a disgrace. He went off from MIT!"
I don't really care what people think of me. I left MIT because it was too far from London. Too far from Max. Max needed me and Ben too needed me. I knew my future were sculpted for them and no one else. Not even a girl, extended no relationships less than my family. I am in charge of my life, and I know what I am doing.
There was a knock on the door and Max was guarded. It was 3 a.m. I would also be guarded, but I knew the knock. "Come in."
Ben entered and I could see Max sighing in relief.
"What are you still doing up this late?" Ben asked.
"I could ask you the same question," I smiled. Ben was my uncle, and I was thrilled that he gave me a place in his apartment.
"Well, your father called," with those words I could feel myself pulling a wall up, cementing that I don't want to hear the rest. Ben held his left hand, which I could see the cordless phone passed for me. "He wants to talk to you."
"Well, I don't."
"Just hear what he has to say. It might be good for you," I snickered, what would anything that Mr. Meade say could be good for me? "And also for Max." I was startled. Since when does he care about Max.
I was about to take the phone and Max took it before me.
"Hi dad!" Max jumped off. Max had no idea how his father was embarrassed of his condition, how he just decided to leave his younger son anywhere but near him. "Oh, Reilly's here." I could feel Max's dissapointment when he gave me the phone.
"You could at least say a word or two to him."
"Well, I needed to speak to you and it is urgent."
"What makes you think I would be interested?" I could feel anger rising.
"Son, MIT is ready to take you back. And I know you would rather not to be away from Max," obviously, idiot. "So I spoke with NYU, about how you are associated with MIT and they are willing to reserve a place for you."
"Whats the difference? I still had to leave London," I was in no position to leave.
"Well, there is a society for people like Max in New York and I am sure they could cure him."
"Cure him? Cure people like Max?" I was angered at how he treated Max. Like Max was a stranger. "Well, I suppose this discussion is over." I hung up, just like I usually do. I could feel Ben patting my back.
"Reilly, I think it is best for you to continue in your studies," I was startled. Ben was on my father's side.
"What did he pay you or something?!" I dodge his hand, leaving the room.
"He did," I stopped my track. Slowly I looked in my uncle's eyes. "He said I could have a spot in his company if I get you to New York. And I don't see why you need not to continue your studies." I was disbelieved. My uncle receive a ransom for a spot in a company. "Its a win-win situation if you asked me, and you know I want what is best for you."
I could feel myself exploding. Suddenly, Max took my hand and looked up to me. Like he knew what I was speaking to our father, he said, "Lets go to New York!"


Joanna Cayne
I collapsed myself onto my bed. Suitors and more suitors! When will it stops! I scream in my head. Mom never really stop finding me suitor. Like all she knows was me being married. I am just 22 for goodness sake! I am just a child! And its the 21st century, who had suitors?!
"Jo," mom called. Her voice was super annoying that I cring everytime I heard them.
"Come with me to the Harriet's party! Their son Paul is severely charming!" suitors, again.
"I'm not feeling well, so..."
"Get ready by 6, I don't want to be late," I sighed. Thats mother. She never really cared what I say, just what people say. I must do this and that. We are not a royalty, just that my father who had some money. But that doesn't mean I have to live like a a princess, literally.
"Josephina, oh Jo!" I smiled. Nancy, my favorite friend of all came! She always does in my rescue!
"Come is Nance!" and so she does. She jumped on my be beside me and looked at me.
"Suitors? Again? Girl, how many people does she let you see this week?" of course, I lost my count.
"I remember being so greased by Wayne Portman, and who would have thought Dudley Yellnut was a nut after all!" the rest was forgotten, I have no interest in my suitors.
"Eww, I remember Portman! Gross!" Nancy was the best, she knew how I see suitors perfectly.
"And tonight I have to meet this guy named Paul Harriet or something," Nancy pulled my arm, as if she was startled.
"You mean the famous Paul Harriet?! He went to Harvard and...." I snapped my eyes on her. "Oh, and he's a suitor."
"Get me out of this mess! Mom is completely carzy over this marriadge stuff. I swear, when I said I'll marry someone when I am 30, she nearly killed me," I pushed my face on my pillow. "Sometimes I want to find my own prince and I really don't care if he's a rich guy or anything."
"Well, you have to thank Nancy for this!" Nancy pulled a what seems like two concert tickets. "The Killers are playing tonight so get dressed now and when you are done, I'll kidnap you for myself!"
I was silence then spoke with the most grace, "Thank you!"
With that, I sneaked out with Nancy, leaving the meeting with Paul Harriet. I was free, I was not dwelled by mom's rules. It felt as if I was floating. Since I could walk, mother told me what to wear, and as I grew up, mother told me what to eat, what to watch on tv, what to say, what to do when I am around people and now who to marry. I am obedient but I was not including to obey the last rule. I trust on true love and I know only I could manage that to work. But where do I find it? Does it says "I'm here" when I found it? Or you just kind off knew? I never had a boyfriend, sadly. Thats because everyone that wanted to date me has to go through mom first. And I ended up going to prom with my cousin Tyler.
Father did not seem to care who I dated, because he only cared for his business. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care for me. He always seemed to be there whenever I felt down. Its just that sometimes I really wanted to pull him from his work and bring him to the park or something. Just put him out of misery business.
"Jo! Brandon Flowers is hot!" Nancy screamed through the crowd's loud noise at me.
"He's married! You can't have him Nance!" I screamed to her, which she jerked her tounge.
"Hey, that guy looked like he's into you!" Nance pointed at a guy sitting by the shadows. Build up and handsome. I pushed Nancy's hand from pointing.
"No, he's probably looking at someone else!"
"Oh stop being so modest! You want to rebel! Go!" Nancy pushed me to the guy's direction. I shook my head and walked towards him. Well, not exactly to him but to the exit, which he followed. I could hear Nancy screaming, "Nice job Jo!"
I stepped out from the room, and I could find peace for my ears. I heard the door opens and of course, the guy was following.
"You know its uncomfortable having a guy looking at you, and now the guy seemed to be a stalker," I spoke the seductive way Nancy has thought me. Practice makes perfect.
"Well, I suppose I should introduce myself," he held his hand. "Paul Harriet."
I stopped myself to think. He was the suitor for tonight that I stood up.
"Paul... Harriet?" I could feel myself making an idiotic face. "Aren't you supposed to be in..."
"A gathering at my place. But the girl I waited wasn't coming so I realized I needed somewhere to be rather surrounded by old people," He laughed. I have to say, he is quite a charm. "But then I saw that girl was here, and I believe its destiny."
I was coiling all the facts and a thought came. "Wait, you know what I looked like?"
"Of course. Your mother gave me a picture of you last week, and I thought you were beautiful."
For any usual girl, they may be melted by this guy, but I am no usual girl. "I'm sorry, I have to go." This guy was the same, they thought I was beautiful by a photo, not by me.
"Um, I'll see you soo then."
"Yes." Never going to happen.
I went for the exit off the building and squized myself for the cold city of New York. I am dissapointed more of my mom. Somehow now and then I felt like a bargain to be sold. But thats not who I am. My mom might deliver me, but she could never create me. I create myself.

(Just a tiny exposure of the modern Romeo and Juliet, I am not taking the story into full blast for now.)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


When I was young,
I am in free mode,
None to defy my shimmering summer,
Or to reflect the imperfect version,
I lived on a smile.

While I am growing,
I started to be limited,
I started seeing stains on the sun,
I started to convey a broken mirror,
I was faking my whole vision.

I woke up as a 25,
Honestly not knowing I was repeating life,
I mend my day for money, to repel thirst,
I am no longer memorizing formulas,
Just working through the bones of haze.

I woke up as a bride,
There I saw some eager side of mine,
I am emerging as his wife,
Where we had a long night,
Longer morning filled with surprise.

I woke up as a mother,
Sincerely I never thought I would,
I held my baby up high,
Caressing with a rocking left right,
Though carefully as she is the prize of my life.

I see now that I grew older,
Looking back at my childhood,
I tinted to my children, I was jealous,
I need my past back,
As future was inevitable for danger.

I am only 16, I could hardly make a sane choice,
All is for lust and matter,
Though if I read my future with a balanced past,
I know what I will be, what I will do,
To submerge the dangerous present.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My 10 favourite sentence

1- Do not manage your time on your schedule, manage your schedule on time!
2- Money is not everything in the world, but everything in the world is money.
3- Making babies is as easy as ABC, the hard time comes to when your baby makes a baby.
4- Imperfections are in human, where human kept on going imperfecting the world that is perfect.
5- Blood is thicker than water they say, no wonder there are so many war around.
6- To Twilighters, say Edward's name without the drooling terms. Hard eh?
7- In the older era, we had so many histories. Now, our brightest history should be us in deed.
8- You will never stop working until your heart stopped working.
9- You say magic does not exist? Well look at your parents, they are magic.
10- I'm so sleepy... Lol!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Greek God

My Hot Greek God

Look at him... Just look at him!!! Beautiful!
Doesn't he resemble the person you would want to see your whole life!!!
Doesn't he looks even good looking after your eyes saw him, again and again!
His eyes...
His smooth skin...
His lips...
Oh my!
I'm dead!

Those smile!
Makes your soul out of you!!
You can't stop smiling!
Even your soul was out of you!
Just looking... Just looking!!
I went goo goo gaa gaa!

Oh my!
I think I found the REAL GREEK GOD!
He's just.. oh my I'm speechless!!
He could tore me apart by his dazzling eyes!!!
But I don't mind!
He's just a Hot Greek God!!!

Btw, he's playing the amazing Edward Cullen in Twilight trilogy...
And I know, he'll be amazing!