Well, I'm not arguing but I just wanna say to those in the village area, "THE SAME GOES TO YOU!"
I mean WTF do you think all city people don't know how to read the Qur'an? Do you think all city people snobs when they speak another language lets say, English? Do you think they don't know anything about being independent since they lived in the city?
F it! Its a give and take situation. Stop stereotyping! Even if its faster, its a lame way to say you look down on people! I've had this situation before and if we city people don't look down on you, you don't look down at us! These situation I have proves that everyone is idiotic!
Situation 1
I have an Indian friend who in my entire life of knowing her had only spoken in English with me. And the counter attack of a girl who always find ways to say I look down on her for living in a village said "Dulu aku malas nak layan kau sebab kau bajet speaking..."
Situation 2
I have a Qur'anic Reading Test and a girl who always emphasize that she's not a real city girl said to me, "Boleh ngaji tak?" I said "Tak, tengah uzur tapi niat belajar atau zikir boleh je kan?" And she said again, "Tak, maksud kita awak boleh baca langsung tak?" WTF la wei!
Situation 3
I'm living in a dorm. And here's this girl who said over and over again how her house is made only from wood said, "Aku memang dari form 4 dulu duduk dorm. Kau sekolah biasa kan, mesti tak pernah lepas dari ketiak mak. Kau tau basuh baju tak?"
Yes I depend a lot on my mom and dad but what makes you so different than I am since every money you have during the period of living in a dorm is from your parents. And yes, I do know how to clean my own cloths thank you and my cloth that you borrowed stinks as hell when I got it back! Yes, I do know how to read the Qur'an, rusty but I still do know how to read it! Yes I use English while speaking sometimes, is that an awfully wrong thing to do?
Seriously, in conclusion, humans aren't that different at all, wherever you live. Stereotyping is bad, so don't you ever do it! We city people and you out there, respect between the two is getting thinner and its getting on my nerves because I never feel the effort to look down on you.