Saturday, March 21, 2009


21 st March 2009
Its started as lazy as it could. In front of the computer, in front of the tv. In front of food. Chores.
Nothing much on this fairly date.
And the my phone rings (vibrated, I let it on silent, dunno why at home ??? )
Warda called. Hurm, what? Why so sudden.
I thought it was the usual, where she is suddenly standing in front of my house to say "Lil! I'm here!" (Lol! She was there because she's gonna be my new neighbour.)
"Lil, you nak pegi Sunburst dengan me tak?"
And so, it turned out to be a very ecstatic day! I was pumped, somehow just on the cause my sister Arina couldn't go and I could. Not that I knew which band was performing. Lol!
And so chores finished, bath and bath, grab whatever outfit I can get (ended up with Roxy t-shirt and jeans) and so I leave home (not forever, for Sunburst, malam balik la).
It was held in Bukit Kiara, Equestrian Field. Last time I went there was for Pesta Malam Indonesia. Sunburst was a bigger deal!
Went with Papa, thank goodness he canceled his plans, or we'll end up walking there.
Arrival at 3 (lol, like we're some kind of VIP with the usage of 'arrival')
Entered. I'm hearing music. There are 4 different stages. Two smaller stages and 2 gigantic ones.
Loud & Clear and Livesounds stages are the smaller ones. (It faces each other).
Sun and Sky stages are the gigantums. (They were side by side)
But it was frantic. We didn't get the flyers (we passed the guy who gave them, stupido) and we were like, where's where. Lol!
We went for 7-E, Warda bought the red slurpee. The guy said, "Sorry yeah, cair sikit." Lol! Its not cair sikit! Its CAIR!
No worries. We walked and find ourselves in Loud & Clear stage where Juwita Suwito just finished performed. We saw a band was already starting to rocking in Livesounds stage. So we went the other way. We haven't had a clue who the band was.
After the first song, they sang a familliar song.
"Hujan ke!" Lol!
Dummies! Me and Warda seriously were clueless (still are) about Local Bands. Shame on us!
We rocked a bit with Hujan. Bunkface was next. Lol, this is funny. Hujan suddenly sang the Bunkface's 'Situasi' song, for a joke as they saw Bunkface getting ready for the next show. I think they sang more than they should.
Before Hujan ended, we went to Loud & Clear stage for Bunkface. Seriously Hujan, stop singing! WE WANT BUNKFACE!
And finally, Bunkface performed. Awesome! It was like throwing all your regrets and burdens away!
Of course there were some 'Kampungans' people starting to dance whilst pushing other people away. What was that called again? I dunno.
But for flitters of seconds, the guy in front of us looked behind and HELLO JERICHO ROSALES! Okay, its not the guy but he certainly does looked like him. Obviously, after Bunkface finished, we were in our angau motion.
I seriously needed to go to the toilet then. I learned how to use that outdoor kind of toilet. Lol! You just use your feet for water. (LOL!)
We went for Sun Stage, Meet Uncle Hussein were performing. But they were about to finish.
We went back to Loud & Clear, Estrella ws performing. She was too cute!!! Her songs were so 'lalok'ing... Haha!
After that were some bands that we didn't know and musics that doesn't really interest us.
So we bought lunch, KFC (trust me it was the cheapest there) and ate in fron't of the Sky stage while waiting for Estranged. Cosmic Kitchen was performing at Sun Stage. The song were okay but quite sleepy-ish.
We saw this mat salleh guy hitting on a mat salleh girl. Warda wanted to laugh when the guy kissed the girl's hand when they part off. I thought it was dope sweet!!
Estranged came off. Wow! Amazing. And 'Bulu Kaki!' Kah kah! My favourite was 'Itu Kamu!' Azwin Andy is officially the hottest drummer I have ever seen.
There are also "Jabawockeez" there. Lol! (I'm not serious)
Before the last song ran out we ran to the Sun Stage, Nidji was almost on. OMG! This one tottaly nails up Warda's broken heart! Giring doakan Warda dpt jodoh dua! Haha! (How can a girl dpt 2 jodoh?)
Nidji was bomb!
A problem came. Dari org sampai masih x nampak budak kecik Fitri! Akhirnya jumpe gak die!
Hang out for some time with two of his friends. We don't care if you got pictures with Bunkface and Estrella! (Or do we?)
Parted ways, we went for N.E.R.D. (You say it with the alphabets not nerd)
Pharell Williams, tottaly to die for!!! And we see this one Mat Salleh guy very enthusiastic with N.E.R.D. They pumped us out the most. We were jumping like hell!!!!
And off we go home. With me dreaming of Mr Jericho Rosales. Lol!

P/S - Warda... I'm glad u broke up with him, kalau x, I x dpt enjoy Sunburst dgn you. LOL!
My Best Friend!!! (I killed Yad, somehow)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Story on a Tuesday

It was March 17th, a sunny day, damp but ain't hot.
I am on my way out for movies in KLCC.
Met Nizam and Mira at LRT. And I'm LATE. Lol! Perfect brother kept saying "Jap eh. Jap eh."
I left the fabulous Nasi Ayam at home, untouched. :( (Ni semua pasal ada abang tu cakap nak pergi pukul 12 gak!)
Naik LRT. Mira. C.O.M.P.L.A.I.N.I.N.G.
I arrived, she colplained about how fat she looked in her outfit, which she doesn't.
Up in LRT, she complained how her shoes is too big and she felt like Cinderella all the time. (You know, kasut terbukak semua tu)
Mira kept glancing at the mirror, oh how she said she ain't self-absorbed, well, little girl, people who pretty much hold their face on mirrors all the friggin time are self-absorbed. (I can hear Mira said, "I nak betulkan tudung je!" ;p)
Turun LRT, "Lil, kasut ni asyik nak tercabut je!"
Okay, okay.... "Lil, lapar la pulak. Makan dulu la."
Now my stomach is complaining. It craves food. So we went to McD. Ah food, I love you.
I ate burger. Nizam ate burger. Mira ate, fries? What, you said you were hungry before!
Okay, whatever, her choice.
Bought ticket for Race to Witch Mountain.
Syafik and his cousin, Amirul (tu yeah name die?) are on their way, ticket beli skali.
Bought pop corn.
Called Syafik. "Bang, kat mane?" I said. Syafik got in shut. "Hek eleh! Relax la! X yah marah."
I x marah. Mira marah. She kept going here and there, "Mane laki ni!"
Gave the fon to Nizam. Bla bla bla guy talk. "Weh, asal kau pegi Pavvi. Kitorang kat KL la."
WTF? The dude was in the LRT and went walking to Pavvi? (Okay, that is really funny!")
I was sorta laughing. Mira was walking there, and here, and there again, here, there, you get the point. She was unhappy. I laughed. "Mira, relax la. He might silap dengar."
"Tak kisah, eeei! Geram la laki ni!"
Okay, long story short, Mira meragam, and Syafik came, appologised 1000 times to Mira, and check on Race to Witch Mountain.
The movie was.... Fine... Okay what am I saying it was not at all my type of movie so it was wrong in all way!
Nizam was charmed by the auntie next to him, blabbering to her phone really, really loudly. Lol! Sabar Nizam sabar!
Movie ended, yes! Went out, met Syira... It was a hug fest in the middle of the road. (Macam x jumpe 10 tahun kitorang)
Syira is with Zoul and his friend Naim.
We cared for another movie. Sayang you can dance.
Lol! But it was at 6.45. So we had to wait. From 4.30!!!
Syafik ate at BB. (Gile jauh kau pegi Syafik) We, others stayed put in KLCC's signature.
Lol! This is the best part! Mira jadi bahan!
Every word she said was like a laughing fest!!!
And trapezium came out of me and Syira's mouth for more than 900 times!!!
I couldn't remember now what she said, because I laughed too much lot!
Played with Nizam's phone. The game called solitare but it was way out of the solitare I used to play. Syira played with that ball game thing. (No pun intended. ;p) Anyway, she was riggid semangat!
6.45. AKHIRNYA. Enter movie. Then I realized. Its better if x yah masuk pun. The movie sucks (sori ah Syira) badly. I hate the parts of Dafi. BUT, I love Samuel Rizal... Handsome! And his vespa.
Now here's my problem on the movie, what made Remmie die? Die sakit ape wey!!!
And ade ke org kene blasah 3 kali berturut dalam satu movie. Sekali cukup ah!
Whats up with "Mak Remmie org Indonesia, Bapak die sarawak. Sbb tu slang die cam lain sket." And suddenly, "Ibu saya sudah meninggal sewaktu saya berumur 2 tahun." SOOOO, why the slang?!!
Plus, they showed this really cheesy motion in the movies. OMG!
I slept through most of it. I knew the ending already, he died. The end. Pssshhhh.
Movie habis, ALHAMDULILLAH!!!
Balik naek LRT. Mira cakap sakit perut. OMG! I told you to eat but you won't listen!!! Okay, relax.. the LRT bengong sket. It went up to Wangsa Maju and everything was fine. But in Wangsa Maju, the door wont go open. WTF! And we went through sampai terminal.
Lol! This is the best part!
We thought the LRT would patah balik but the management guy asked us to leave the train. Okay. We did. AND, Mira was swallowed by the train! The train's door got closed! She was literally crying already! Naim got stuck with her too, Btw.
The management guy opened the door, and Mira ran to me and Syira for a hug. She was pretty darned scared! Sakit perut dah hilang.
We reversed back to Wangsa Maju. Lol! Sampai gak.
Balik ngan bapak Mira.
And thank goodness, home felt so good!!!
But sadly the nasi ayam is gone already! But papa bought me Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin. Boleh la!
And thats my day. It was fun and drowsy and seriously, its good to be me.
Lol! and MIRA, I LOVE YOU!
SYIRA pun....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Do I need to say more? Yes.... OSCAR

If you have a guy like this, who needs a guy like Johnathan??? Lol!
He wore the frigging BOW TIE!!!